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Bringing the Presence of Mind/Body/Spirit
to Your Home




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Let's Talk

I'm Chernise, An Archangel Channeler, A Lover of Decorating & A Professional Organizer.  

If you are aware of the mind/body/spirit connection, then you are aware that both the mental and the spiritual play significant roles regarding the state of your body's health.  The same is true for your home because the way you inhabit your home is an extension of the way you inhabit your body.  So if you have ever started to organize your home only to get frustrated and give up, inviting in the mental and the spiritual can be what makes the difference there, as well.

The basic concept of home wellness is to create a living experience in your home that supports you and makes your life easier.  Too many times, people find that the state of their home is a hindrance rather than a place that is nourishing or recharging. Like with most things, the first step is the hardest part of the process but my joy is to help make that first step, and the following ones, as easy as possible for you. 

Join my free Bi-Weekly CONVERSATIONS WITH SPIRIT ON DECORATING as we explore the alchemical power of filling your home with soul inspiring beauty. 

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How I Support You

Before our session, I use divine energy to clear stagnant energy in your home in order to assist with the overall process of decluttering.  After that, I work with you to get clear about how you desire to feel when you are in your home and about the ideal functions that you would like for each room to serve. Then we roll up our sleves and get to work!

Together we will:

  • - Reasess and let go of items that no longer align with the vision of your desired lifestyle,

  • - Organize the items that you have decided to keep,

  • - Evaluate the need for additional storage containers, and

  • - Redecorate parts of your newly (en)lightened home (if desired.)


Also, throughout our time together I will share my organization tips with you so that you feel empowered to continue the process on your own.


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"I only wax rhapsodic about the truly extraordinary and that is Chernise Spruell. Chernise posted about her organizing/decluttering services in late May. Since then, I have had the pleasure of working with her twice.
I cannot recommend her highly enough. I have worked with at least 2 organizers in the past - one very well known and very expensive - and Chernise has everyone beat in terms of actual RESULTS with the added bonus of being delightfully personable, intelligent, compassionate, supportive and responsible.


Incredibly, I told Chernise my concerns and past experiences and she actually LISTENED.  Chernise will be coming back in a couple of weeks to tackle "the beast" - you know, that closet you're afraid to open.  In the meantime, CALL HER!" 

Connie V., Lawyer, New York, NY

"I work from home so it's extra important that I am happy in my space so thank god for Chernise!  The great thing is that she works with where you are and with what you have. She doesn't push but gently helps you make decisions about things that you might be wavering on.  I recommend coming into this with an open mind but if you don't, Chernise is still the right person for you in that she is patient, focused, and gentle in her work.
Now, every time you open your drawers and pull out your totally protected and neat towels (ok, personal example!), you thank Chernise, and yourself for being smart enough to hire her. I can't say enough good things about her talents and her personality. I would recommend her a thousand times over to anyone that I know...and I have!"  

Suzanne L., Pilates Teacher, Los Angeles, CA

"I appreciate that Chernise knows a 'one-size-fits-all' approach doesn't work for everyone. She listened well and worked with me on a solution that fit for me. Also, she shared with me her own pitfalls and successes around organizing, and that was really helpful." 

S.D., Actor, New York, NY

"Chernise is an amazing force of grace and determination to clear clutter and bring more light in and out.." 

Kristen S.,  Astrologer, Encinitas, CA

Most people get a whopping 80% of usage out of only 20% of their belongings.  

If you released the excess, what would that make possible for YOU?

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All you have to do is take the first step and you don't have to do it alone!

To Sign Up for my Next Mindful Organization Class with Uncommon Goods click HERE

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