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Ascended Master Message: Love Thyself

Dear Ones,

If there is anything that we’d like to get out to you today it is the importance of finding ways to take care of yourself and treat yourself in the way that you would treat someone you really love. As the energies are rising and what you believe about yourself and what you believe about the world are popping up around you as if on cue, you will find that it is going to be more and more important to make sure that your inner house is clean. The best way to clean your house is to flood it with love. There are areas where it appears that love is not and life must show those areas to you so that you can choose to send them love. However, if you are in the daily habit of speaking words of love to yourself, taking care to see that you get the sleep that you need, surrounding yourself with people and with environments that nourish you, you will find that only more of the same will manifest around you, except they will manifest in greater and more wonderful ways. You will find that the very simple way to effect change in life is always to give yourself more love. It is truly the panacea. For when you have all the love that you need, can you feel lack at all? Can you truly believe that another person is better than you or will you just feel so full of love for yourself that you feel happy for them as well? You will find that as you flood yourself with love, this is the magic wand that you were looking for. And with all of these wonderful energies that are expanding and supporting your every thought, you will find that it is even easier to obtain and experience that which are willing to believe is possible for you.

So, Dear Ones, Love Thyself. Your beloved Ascended Master Merlin.

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