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Raising your Vibration: Exercise #2.5

First, I want you to take a pencil and a piece of paper and draw a large square on it. In the center of this square, draw an image of yourself smiling while being surrounded by a circle of people. This circle of people can just be stick figures but know that they represent all of the people you frequently interact with and all of the people that will become an important part of your life. The one thing to make sure they have in common is a smiling face which, here, will represent both joy and a higher vibration. This image will help you experience a life where you are surrounded by people who support you and love you and consciously choose to live with more joy. You will find at this time of your life, with what you want to do, it is best that you surround yourself with people that actively support you and that you enjoy supporting as well. The people represented in this simple exercise are your friends, employers, employees, family, etc. and in some ways will feel like your angels on earth. Then, around this circle of people, draw a larger circle of stick figures with wings that are also smiling. These figures represent your angels that are looking out for the entire group of you. Underneath this image you can write: I am always divinely guided and provided for. All of my needs are instantly manifested for the highest good of all concerned and in the highest way possible. This I ask for the highest good of all concerned. So be it. Thank you. This is a simple exercise, but as you look at this picture daily and smile, you will find that certain people in your life with a lower vibration will easily fall away and you will draw to yourself more people with a higher, more harmonious vibration. This will help bring ease and harmony to your world and we know that you would all like to have more of this. Love from all of us in the Angelic Realm, AA Gabriel

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DISCLAIMER – Nurturing the Shift, Ltd. and Chernise Spruell are not a licensed medical practice, do not provide medical treatment, and do not seek to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. We advise that people seek professional medical treatment for all diseases and conditions, and follow the protocols of licensed medical practitioners. Healing services, energy healing, classes, workshops and products of Nurturing the Shift, Ltd. and Chernise Spruell are not a replacement for medical treatment. 

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