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Diamond SOULar Light Language

About Levels 1 - 3

At its simplest, Light Language is a sound-based transfer of light codes from a divine source or being to you or through you. 


Diamond SOULar Light Language is a particular strand of light language whose activation process is overlit by Ascended Master Mother Mary and carries her energy-signatures within it. 

Diamond SOULar Light Healing is a Light Language based healing modality channeled by Chernise Spruell. 


It works with the already high vibration of the light language that is transmitted from your soul and then enhances, focuses and directs it.  It allows the light language channeler to be a conduit of the already beautiful, multi-dimensional frequencies of light language and then directs them as if you were to dam the energy of a raging river and then direct it towards a single spot.


There are many comanalities in what this energy can accomplish, because it contains the energy signature of your own soul and contains the divine blueprint of your physical being it can also be quite varied.  As the light language channeler continues to work with light language and allow it to help enhance the alignmentment with ones own divine blueperint, the modality grows with the user.

It can be used on one's own energy field to bring one into greater alignment, or clear blocks or whatever you and your soul desire to focus on at the time.  It can be used in 1:1 sessions with a client if you are a wellness practitioner.  You can add it to any modailty that you are already using, if that modality welcomes the addition of other energies.  One reason it is so special to iclude liat language or diamond solular light healing with cients is the fact that this contains the prurest versin of your soul's frequencies, which is part of why clients want to work with you - even if they are not cosciously awarey.  so it can be benenifial to offer this in any private client work that you are doidng because it is a blessing in and of itself.  You can also use this in group work ....

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Activate your soul's light language & Diamond SOULar Light Healing


Activate your light language for 

Practitioner Training.
Receive attunements to activate Diamond SOULar Light Language in your Clients





Also, add link to buy class now that's pre-recorded

also add bonus of light langage play dates


Chernise Spruell

Divine DNA Activator & Financial Abundance Igniter

I work with archangels to clear blocks in Wellnes Practitioners to help you be of greater service to your self & clients and attne tyou to greater financial flow through aligninmnet with yoru ivine blueprint. 


Kind Words

I have been a long time member of the personal development club and a healer in my own right. But after many decades I have yet to encounter a more loving transformational environment than the one created by Chernise and Archangel Uriel.

Even in the raw pain of heartbreak they were able to tell me what I so did not want to hear without once leaving me feeling any less loved or valued....words I don't believe I could've heard from anyone else. 

Words can never express the depth of my gratitude for the work we've done and the time we've shared.
To be in the energy of the Archangels that Chernise channels is the most delicious healing and restorative space I've ever experienced. 


- Sydney Allen

To Sign Up for my Next Mindful Organization Class with Uncommon Goods click HERE

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Chernise Spruell

DISCLAIMER – Chernise Spruell is not a licensed medical practice, does not provide medical treatment, and does not seek to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. We advise that people seek professional medical treatment for all diseases and conditions, and follow the protocols of licensed medical practitioners. Healing services, energy healing, classes, workshops and products of Chernise Spruell are not a replacement for medical treatment. 

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